Karen Varcoe, Gresham OR kvarcoe@aol.com 503 267 6080

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Display Tray for All Seasons: Christmas and Winter

I am in LOVE with our Display Trays!   I'll be buying myself a present soon:   3 trays, one for each kiddo, with their K-11th grade pictures in them, and a senior picture hanging next to the tray!

Meanwhile, I've been having fun making the Christmas Tray and the Winter Tray.   The Christmas and Winter Trays were both inspired by Lisa Stenz, an incredibly talented CTMH Consultant -thank you, Lisa!   I should put "Winter" in quotes because as you'll see, while I'm using Avonlea papers and Canvas Stickease, which are the blues and greens of the Winter palette, my tray is Family themed.

Here's Christmas:

 My Tray Workshop ladies enjoyed creating their Christmas tray with Pear & Partridge papers, the Dimensional Elements In Color Holiday, and lots of ribbons and sparkle.   They chose either the Pearl or the Sparkle Flourish too!

We're putting our hook and loop dots that CTMH now sells on the back of each paper, and on the frame itself, so we can change out the papers and ribbons with the season - pretty slick!

What do you think of my "Winter" Tray?   I love it!   I used a wedding picture of my parents from November 3, 1950.   For the small picture I picked a picture of my brother, my sister and I when were were little.   Guess which one is me!  I scanned the original pictures, which were not the greatest photos, but I still love my frame!   It's inspired me to get out more family photos and display them.   We'll be putting this tray together in early January if you'd like to join us!

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